Meet Physician-scientist Maxime Kinet, MD, PhD

Meet Dr. Maxime Kinet, who was recently featured in the UCSF Physician-Scientist Career Development Program (PSCDP) newsletter.


Maxime Kinet, MD, PhD
Assistant Adjunct Professor
Department of Medicine, Rheumatology

Describe your laboratory research.

I am studying crosstalk between T cells and specific subpopulations of immunoregulatory skin fibroblasts in models of fibrosis. Additionally, I am exploring the idea that fibroblasts may hold "stromal memory" of prior inflammation in ways that change both their tissue homeostatic properties as well as their immunoregulatory properties. 

What made you want to become a physician-scientist or choose your area of research?

From a young age I was fascinated by how living things work. At some point in college, I realized I could apply this curiosity to better understand how the human body goes awry and potentially help develop new treatments. 

Describe a major challenge you've encountered in your career as a physician-scientist.

The financials of raising a family during our prolonged training. 

Do you have a recent accomplishment you would like to highlight, like a presentation, award, publication, grant, or new collaboration?

I was awarded a Scientist Development Award by the Rheumatology Research Foundation this December. 

Do you have a hobby or fun fact you want to share?

My wife and I took our son camping when he was 3 months old and backpacking when he was 6 months old. It went surprisingly ok.
